An accomplished interviewer/ moderator, dedicated producer of engaging content, and passionate advocate for Canadian fashion. Her background spans the fashion, beauty, lifestyle and media industries.
Donna supports entrepreneurs and brand leaders with moderated, live streamed events that elevate their story and messaging with an engaging interview that always soars beyond anything a google search provides. She can be heard regularly on CBC radio discussing fashion. As the host and founder of the popular podcast FashionTalks, Donna holds meaningful conversations with leaders in the fashion and related industries on the personal and social impact of fashion. She is also the Director of Programming for CAFA (Canadian Arts and Fashion Awards), is a former board member of the Toronto Chapter of Fashion Group International, and is a mentor for the Toronto Fashion Incubator.
In 2009 she founded Green Beauty, Canada’s first online boutique dedicated to skincare and cosmetics that were made with natural ingredients yet had the performance of professional products, which she moved on from in 2015. She has been featured as an expert in beauty or entrepreneurship in numerous media outlets including: The Marilyn Denis Show, E! Canada, Best Health Magazine, NOW Magazine, Green Heroes (TVO), Coming Clean (Smithsonian Channel), Cosmo TV, The Globe and Mail, InStyle Magazine, The MomShift (Random House) and numerous blogs.
How did you end up working as an interviewer?
I have worked in or with the media since the late 1990s. I am the fashion columnist for CBC radio’s popular drive show Here and Now. I am the founder/ host/ producer of the podcast FashionTalks and have interviewed dozens of leaders in the industry from Jeanne Beker to Barb Stegemann to Mina Gerges to Ron White. I co-founded/ co-hosted On A High for the Business of Cannabis with journalist and best selling author Michelle Bilodeau interviewing a scope of voices on the connection and influence of cannabis and design, culture and lifestyle. I have moderated discussions with CEOs for the Canadian Club of Toronto. I have media trained executives across industries from fashion to automotive to wellness.
My superpower is forging and finding connections – people to people, people to ideas and ideas to ideas. It is through connection that we become engaged, gain interest and insights, wield influence and ultimately grow.
IRL or virtual events?
Both give a beautiful and powerful opportunity for connection. There is nothing like the energy that can happen in a live event both for the guests and the participants. However, a magical connection still happens during online events in a profound way. In either case it is a joy and privilege to support others to tell their stories and share their insights. What is so important with either case is capturing the conversation, via video or audio, so that it can be shared across platforms. Having that asset is invaluable.
What makes a conversation so powerful?
Dots can be connected, stories can be unpacked and information can be distilled in a conversation in a way that is tangible, digestible and memorable. A conversation is uniquely powerful. If you have a story to tell – be it about your business, a personal journey, a sphere of expertise to share – a well guided conversation brings it to life in a way that is logical and dynamic. It keeps an audience engaged. It keeps messages authentic. It allows for spontaneity in a supported space. I am not looking or striving for a “gotcha” moment. I want depth and the mental exhilaration that comes from, “huh. I never thought of it that way…” There are always a minimum of 3 participants in a conversation – the person guiding the questions (me), the person(s) answering the questions and those listening. That makes for an incredible potion of energy, connection and action.
Podcast or blog?
Blogs have a soft spot in my heart. I used to have a blog and I love the written word. Podcasts however are my obsession. There is a unique power to podcasting. It is more intimate; you can do a deeper dive into a subject or journey. It is a profound communications tool for organizations and brands wanting to connect and engage with their communities. That is one of the reasons why I love consulting with organizations and individuals to offer turn-key podcasting support and production. There is nothing like it and as a platform it is only growing.
Why did you care about green beauty before the rest of the world did?
Because caring about what impacts us and how we impact the world around us matters. I founded Green Beauty, Canada’s first online retailer for natural and non-toxic personal care products over 15 years ago after my toddler son was diagnosed with cancer (he is a healthy teenager now). My goal was that the products had to be clean, but they also had to work (I am a trained makeup artist with serious standards). This coincided with the 2010 founding of Bamboo Magazine – an online publication (aka blog) showcasing that sustainable living could be chic. While I have moved on from both of these as businesses their ethos is very much a part of my DNA. Everything we do matters; it is all connected.
Why advocate for Canadian fashion?
Fashion is more than the clothes we wear. It is our most intimate and immediate form of personal expression. What we wear can impact our mood, sense of confidence, and how we show up. We are so lucky to have a rich and robust fashion industry in Canada of makers, designers and brands that add to our economic growth and our creative and vibrant cultural landscape. We have amazing talent from glamorous evening wear designers to brands focused on wearable, everyday clothing. The Canadian fashion industry is full of brands and individuals committed to diversity, body positivity, sustainability, innovation. There is so much to discover. This is one of the many reasons why I love working with CAFA (Canadian Arts and Fashion Awards) to celebrate and support our local talent.
5 fav pieces of clothing?
This is hard! I love clothes and I love getting dressed. There is so much positive power to harness in choosing what we wear each day. Five pieces that always make me feel my best are: a well loved pair of jeans, in fall/winter my black, turtle neck, cashmere sweater (a family hand-me-down), in warmer weather a white, billowy blouse, matching bra and underpants (for real!), comfy, statement loafers.
5 fav podcasts?
Just 5?!
The Expanded Podcast from To Be Magnetic
You Must Remember This
The Moth
Dolly Parton’s America
Hit Parade
Honorable mention – anything by Brene Brown
What do you find most rewarding?
I really thrive interviewing people and moderating conversations. I find people and what they know endlessly fascinating. I have been a mentor for the Toronto Fashion Incubator for over a decade and love supporting emerging brands with an entrepreneurial sounding board. Since April 2020 I have been a volunteer with the Kids Help Line texting service. By far though, what I find most rewarding is time with my husband and our two kids.
What else would you like people to know about you?
I am here to support you and help you sound your best as you tell your story/ share your message with me and with your audience.